SSA Annual MEETing 2024

*29 April–3 May 2024 | Anchorage, Alaska


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Hotel Accommodations

Hilton Anchorage Hotel
500 West Third Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska, 99501, USA

SSA’s discounted group rate is $169/night + applicable taxes and fees. Please note: there is no government rate because the discounted group rate is below the GSA rate.

**On the Hilton website, click “edit stay” at the top of the page to adjust the date range. Please note: the hotel is running low on discounted rooms as of mid March. We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Hilton Anchorage is the headquarters hotel, and all technical sessions will take place at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center, which is located approximately four blocks (8-10 minute walk) from the hotel.

Transportation: There are no hotel shuttles from the airport. Taxi rides take about ten minutes from the Anchorage Airport (ANC) and the cost ranges from $19-23.

Meeting Location

Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center
600 West Seventh Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska, 99501, USA

Questions?  Please contact

Meeting Registration

Registration is required to attend the SSA Annual Meeting and includes access to technical sessions, exhibit hall, the awards luncheon, daily refreshment breaks and selected receptions. Workshops and field trips are available at an additional cost.

Request a Visa Letter of Support

SSA recommends international participants apply for visas as early as possible before the Annual Meeting. Please remember to contact your consulate to determine the wait time for an interview.

Additional Activities

Arriving early on Tuesday, 30 April? Looking for a seismic-related activity? Spend the day exploring the Anchorage-city 1964 highlights! Here is a helpful guide.

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Annual Meeting 2024

Program Co-Chairs

The SSA community is grateful to our meeting leaders for cultivating this exciting and informative Annual Meeting program.

Carl Tape

Carl Tape

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Mike West

Michael West

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Dates and Deadlines

  • Meeting & Hotel Registration Opens: 2 January
  • Abstracts Due: 10 January


Anchorage, Alaska

Code of Conduct

ethics policy

IMAGE credits

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